Tag Archives: cloaks

Callbacks, Promos, and Fights
The last two weeks have been jam packed for the production. We held callbacks in the first week of June and finalized our cast. We saw some phenomenal talent and we’re very excited about the actors that we’ve assembled. Check them out on the cast page.

This past Friday, we got our first taste of what some of our characters will look like as Kelley Slagle and Bess Kaye suited up as an Ebon Spider and Daughter of Tairol respectively. We shot in Whitemarsh Park in Bowie and we learned some valuable lessons. For one thing, you should wear long pants when shooting in the woods. I decided that I’d wear shorts due to the heat and ended up with some nice thorn-induced lacerations. Fortunately I didn’t pick up any ticks or poison ivy. Lesson two is that plaster gauze is not an ideal mask making material. Kelley was a trooper as she choked on mouthful after mouthful or plaster flakes. By the end of our two hour shoot, the mask was disintegrating. Back to the drawing board on that one. But it did look pretty cool in the set pics.

Posted on: 13 Jun 2012
Posted by: admin